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Peel District School Board Achieves Grade A Security &  Sustainability Efforts with Greentec

The second largest public school board in Ontario, the Peel District School Board (PDSB) is home  to 259 schools across the Peel region, teaching over 153,000 students ranging from elementary to  secondary and employing 16,964 total staff. With a large geographic reach and a vast number of  individuals who rely on the PDSB for education and employment, the technological demands and IT  end-of-life asset management processes are significant.  

Managing the logistics, processing and reporting of sustainable and secure data destruction and  device management was once incredibly complex for the PDSB. Balancing the device refresh and  data security demands of hundreds of school locations, along with hundreds of thousands of  students, ensuring process efficiency and security once required extensive time and resources on  behalf of the PDSB’s internal teams. With Greentec’s expertise and guidance, the e-waste  management process was clearly mapped out, effectively outlining a clear step-by-step process that  the PDSB could rely on and implement at each school.  

Providing a Simple Solution for Complex Logistics  

As a solution to the demands of multi-location logistics, data security and reporting requirements,  Greentec was able to take the pressure off the PDSB to conduct timely device pick-ups at each  school location on an ongoing basis. This was critical for the PDSB due to their size and volume of  device management, which previously resulted in a slow and inefficient device management  processing and reporting.  

“Greentec has always provided a reliable and professional experience to our staff. They are always  prompt, advise us in advance when they are coming, and the staff are pleasant. It is always an overall  great experience!” 

- Karen Vincent (Office Manager)  

Greentec offers the PDSB a variety of time saving solutions, including:  

  • The efficient removal of devices, including laptops, desktop computers, tablets and cellphones  from each school location 
  • Ensuring schools remained compliant with internal policies and environmental guidelines • Providing traceability reports and certificates 
  • Working closely with the PDSB to leverage security and sustainability leaders within the board,  leading to lasting environmental and security benefits 

Taking on the Regulatory Burden  

Increased risk regulations over the past few years have resulted in the PDSB tightening processes to  ensure data was destroyed in a secure manner, protecting the board, staff and students across the  region. Capitalizing on Greentec’s expertise, the PDSB was able to relieve internal resources and IT  staff of their ITAM processes and could remain confident that student and staff data remained private.

Keeping Health, Safety and Security at the Forefront  

Keeping in line with the PDSB’s Conservation and Demand Management Plan, working with  Greentec to manage the secure collection, recycling and destruction of data containing devices allows  the PDSB to prioritize the health and safety of staff and students by addressing three major concerns: • Reducing the PDSB’s environmental impact, by prioritizing sustainable recycling and disposal of  metals, plastics and glass from staff and student devices 

  • Ensuring board, staff and student security and compliance through fast and ongoing device pick up and data destruction  
  • Developing a strong device management process with all staff and school locations, with the help  of Greentec’s logistics expertise and mapping 

“Working closely with Greentec, I have always experienced utmost efficiency and appreciate the expert  services. Greentec’s representatives are always very polite and helpful and often check-in to see when  the school is striving to clarify a pick-up date. This takes a lot of the pressure and concerns over  logistics of the school board, allowing us to focus on our students first.” 

- Helen Baxter (Vice Principal) 

As students and staff moved to learning and teaching from home due to COVID-19, more devices were in the hands of students and teachers, however not all devices met student and teacher needs.  Capitalizing on Greentec’s logistical expertise and pick-up services, the PDSB was able to  correctly assign devices to each remote staff and student, while also ensuring devices were free of  critical data.  

The Return to In-Person Settings 

As teachers and students return to in-class teaching, Greentec will be critical in the successful collection of all devices once relied on for remote learning, as well as conducting secure data destruction, e-waste recycling, and the required reporting upon completion.  

The safety of the environment, as well as of staff and student data privacy is a critical concern for the  PDSB.  

Greentec is a vital solution to meeting these requirements on an ongoing basis.


How the University of Waterloo & Greentec are leading the way in asset disposal

UW partnered with Greentec, whose tailored solutions ensured secure data destruction, environmental responsibility, and regulatory compliance, to collaboratively transform its IT asset disposal process.

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