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Five Steps for a Successful ITAD Process in 2022

What You Can Do to Ensure Your ITAD Process is Successful in 2022

First of all, what is ITAD?

IT asset disposition (ITAD) is the ​​disposal of obsolete or unwanted IT assets in a secure, safe and environmentally-responsible manner.

To help you manage multiple locations or departments within your organization, as well as the mass amount of devices required to keep your organization in operation, IT disposition mapping can make ITAD a seamless and efficient process.

A powerful tool for your organization, IT disposition mapping outlines the entire process of your IT disposition and can be tailored specifically to your organization's IT assets, needs, and goals. 

However, for organizations that have yet to focus on their ITAD needs, getting started can be fairly overwhelming. Luckily, we’re here to support your ITAD process, with some key tips to help you get set up your ITAD process for success this year.

1. Set out a well-defined strategy for your ITAD process 

Nothing good ever comes from winging a strategy. So take time at the beginning of the year to develop a detailed and tailored strategy that will effectively address your organization’s ITAD. 

In particular, your strategy should include a process that can optimize traceability of devices, address your organization’s software needs and take into account the logistics needed to manage ongoing ITAD. 

If need be, enlist the help of experienced professionals who can guide you through your organization’s needs and craft a tailored strategy that can help define exactly what ITAD should look like for you.


2. Don’t wait — start now!

The longer you wait, the further behind your organization will become in terms of effectively tracking, documenting, and mapping your ITAD. 

For many organizations without a clear ITAD process, simply holding onto old IT assets can seem like an easy, short-term solution. However, this can lead to devastating problems in the long run. If you neglect to update your assets, you may notice over time that the company that produced these assets is no longer providing customers with system and software upgrades. 

While this may feel like an inconvenient ploy designed to encourage you to purchase the latest and greatest IT assets, frequently upgrading is essential to ensure you are not using old tech vulnerable to cyberattacks. 

There is no better time than the present to start planning out your asset upgrades and having a strong ITAD strategy will ensure this process is smooth, secure, and sustainable for all stakeholders. 

avoiding the ITAD nightmare

3. Assemble a multi-stakeholder team

When developing a new ITAD process, you need to take into account all of the teams and stakeholders who are involved with your organization's IT infrastructure.

Whether it’s IT, security, finance, or your sales and customer service teams, engaging key members within your ITAD process will ensure all viewpoints and needs have been taken into account, which ultimately will lead to smoother execution. 

Together, this team should outline the different assets that need to be tracked, how assets will be managed moving forward, and the appropriate protocols required to clear data and destroy old devices. 

Once all key stakeholders are aware of your organization’s ITAD strategy, as well as their individual roles within the ITAD process, greater compliance will follow and your team will be set up for success.


4. Rethink how you look at old devices

For many organizations, old IT tech can be viewed as garbage taking up precious storage space in a crowded IT department. In actuality, they are still assets and should be treated as such.

Within your ITAD process, the value of old IT tech must be taken into consideration and should be used to guide how these devices will be properly stored, transported, sanitized of data, or destroyed. No matter what end-of-life path is chosen for a device, the asset can still be monetized, allowing your organization to capitalize on its full value. 

avoiding the ITAD nightmare

5. Know when it’s time to bring in a professional 

We understand that managing ITAD can be a daunting process and for many organizations, there is simply not enough time, money, and resources to handle ITAD internally

Being such an intricate and timely task, it may be in your organization's best interest to seek out a third-party professional who can handle ITAD from the development of a strategy to its concise execution. 

If you’re finding that an ITAD process is continuously being pushed down your to-do list, then it’s better to act fast and collaborate with a certified professional.


Need Support? Align Your ITAD Goals with Greentec.

Proper and compliant ITAD is critical for any organization, therefore it is best to begin with an industry expert who can guide you through the various regulations and internal requirements for disposition and e-waste. 

With Greentec’s help, you can remain confident in the fact that your organization is not only a leader in security and sustainability, but is also able to capitalize on hidden value and strategically plan a full digital transformation. 

For more information on how Greentec can kickstart your ITAD process, schedule a free ITAD Roadmap call with our experienced team.  


Be sure to connect with Greentec on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn to stay up-to-date with the latest industry news. 

avoiding the ITAD nightmare


How the University of Waterloo & Greentec are leading the way in asset disposal

UW partnered with Greentec, whose tailored solutions ensured secure data destruction, environmental responsibility, and regulatory compliance, to collaboratively transform its IT asset disposal process.

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