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Data Security or Time Savings? You Shouldn't Have to Choose

IT teams are stretched thin, and every hour sunk into manual data destruction is an hour lost to critical projects. Worse, despite your team's efforts, standard wiping software leaves traces that skilled adversaries can exploit. 

Don't leave your company's reputation vulnerable to a devastating data breach. Discover data destruction solutions that go beyond deletion, ensuring your data is truly and irreversibly erased.

Discover the Secret Way Leading Cyber Security Experts Wipe Their Data 

At Greentec, we've taken the standards set by the DoD, NIST, and CSEC and supercharged them with our proprietary technology and processes. Our NAID AAA certification ensures our method isn't just about meeting the bar; it's about raising it.

Book A Discovery Call and Let us Show you how we can help your organization achieve.


  1. Time-Efficiency: Our processes are streamlined to handle bulk data destruction, saving your IT staff valuable time and allowing them to focus on core business activities.
  2. Guaranteed Security: Utilizing a blend of methods endorsed by top standards, we provide a guarantee of 100% data destruction, offering you complete peace of mind.
  3. Expert Execution: With specialized tools and expertise, we perform secure data destruction at a level of proficiency and scale that internal IT teams can't easily replicate.
  4. Compliance and Beyond: Not only do we ensure compliance with data destruction regulations, but we also go the extra mile to ensure environmental responsibility in disposing of your IT assets.