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    What to Consider When It’s Time for IT Asset Disposition

    It’s a new year, for many of you this also means it’s the start of a new fiscal year. Budgets are being evaluated and money is being earmarked for various initiatives. What if we said you might be sitting on value you didn’t know was there?

    Now what if we told you that value was sitting in the old IT Assets and Electronics you may be looking at replacing or upgrading? As we all know, in business cash really is king and leaving anything on the table no matter how big or small can make a difference.

    Here's what you need to consider when your organization is upgrading their IT assets and electronics:

    Old IT Assets and E-Waste Are Not Worthless

    Our entire industry is based around this simple idea. E-Waste is not Waste - period.

    Obviously we say this because we’re concerned for our environment. The amount of e-waste produced across Canada has nearly tripled in the past four years, but there are other things to consider as well, especially for businesses and organizations.

    For instance, did you know all of those old IT assets you’ve been meaning to replace can actually recover your company money?

    Recover Value In IT Asset Disposition and E-Waste

    IT and Electronic assets (networks, computers, laptops, mobile phones, tablets and more) have value because there are reusable components and commodities (gold, silver, copper, etc.) that can provide value for your company when securely extracted by a reputable e-waste recovery and recycling company.

    As well, sometimes IT Assets are not quite at the end of their life cycle and don’t need to be destroyed, but are no longer of use to your company. In this case, you can expect that your ITAD and E-Waste solution provider will find new homes for those assets for the best prices.

    Which leads to our final point...

    Depreciation Timeline

    The longer you sit on old IT assets and electronics trying to figure out what to do with them, the less valuable they become. In fact, value in IT assets depreciates quite quickly. In 5 years a $1 million system can be worth less than 10% of that, so the sooner you can work with a reputable ITAD and E-Waste recycling team after taking your electronics offline the better.

    At the end of the day it’s a big, costly decision to refresh and make to upgrades to your IT systems in a large company-wide setting. However, we think it’s also clear that it can be costly when you don’t have the right information to make an informed decision around what to do with the old assets.

    We hope the information above has given you solutions about IT Asset Disposition and E-Waste recycling and the positive effects it can have on your company's bottom line.


    As always, if there are any questions leave us a comment or get in touch at - we hope to hear from you!


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